Joe Biden has an unfailing ability to make a bad political situation worse. He’s doing it again with campus upheaval, potentially elevating the issue into an intraparty war and a re-election threat. Politically, neither the masked mob, nor their cause, is remotely popular.

Kimberley Strassel (The Wall Street Journal)

Odds are watching Anti-American agitators vandalize college campuses will reboot the 60s silent majority and 80s moral majority. The Ayatollah is no Dr. King, Gaza is not Vietnam, cancel culture is 180 degrees from free speech, and the day of reckoning for college presidents and Joe Biden is here. Today’s silent majority won’t tolerate their taxes funding anti-American academia, and its moral majority won’t tolerate threats against Jews.

Good Americans can smell a rat – and it’s not UNC frat boys defending the American flag. It’s the protestors who’ve received statements of support from Iran and Hamas. It’s as simple as the picture (above) depicting what voters saw in 1968 (our kids rebelling against LBJ) and what they see now (those Palestinians attacking the USA). That’s bad news for “woke” colleges and President Biden.

Pro-Palestinians stomping on Old Glory has invited the GOP House to de-fund “woke” colleges and issue subpoenas to “woke” college presidents. That’s music to the ears of non-woke parents, who want their kids also to feel “comfortable” and “safe” on campus. That’s called “good parenting” and the reason applications are down 5% at Brown and 3% at Harvard, but up 42% at Southern private colleges (source: 2024 Common App).

This shift was explained by the mother of a Jewish student at Elon University (NC) to the Free Press: “I might not agree with the politics in the South, but Northerners could really learn a lot from Southerners on how to treat people.” The truth is on her side, because the Anti-Defamation League cites Elon as one of only two universities to get an A grade for policies protecting Jewish students. But for the Intersectional left, that would be the norm for every minority on every college campus.

Sadly, the race-obsessed left believes Israeli and American racism intersect to displace Palestinians from Gaza and oppress Muslims in the USA. No joke, because intersectional theory is the root of “us vs. them” culture in US education; denying free speech to conservatives, preventing minorities from learning “otherness” coping skills, and turning Western History into the study of white sins. Decent Americans should smell a rat, because…

One, race-based activists don’t care about rising Anti-Jewish hate crimes in America or Russia’s “occupation” of Ukraine. In 2022, the FBI recorded 1,222 anti-Jewish hate crimes, in contrast to only 158 against Muslims. Since that year, 41,582 Ukrainians have been killed, and 3.7 million have been displaced. The situation for America’s Jews and in Ukraine is awful, but alas, they belong to the wrong identity groups.

Two, outsiders are paying for the protests – expensive tents and banners, free coffee and sandwiches for hundreds – and hiring paid protest consultants (source: The Daily Mail). That’s why New York mayor Adams disclosed that “professional outside agitators” led the take-over of Columbia’s Hamilton Hall, and released a video of “the nation’s best-known protest consultant” showing protesters how to occupy a building. Hamas, leave our kids alone!

Protestors carrying Intifada signs, and Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Omar (D-MN) marching amongst antisemitic screamers is bad news for Joe Biden in swing states (AZ, GA, MI, NC, NV, OH, PA and WI), where voters lean patriotic and already think he’s soft on crime, immigration, and Iran. A recent CAPS/Harris survey found 80% of Americans side with Israel against Hamas, 78% say Hamas must be removed from power, and 67% say Israel is trying to avoid casualties.

Trump gets this: “What’s going on at the colleges – Columbia, NYU – is a disgrace, and it’s really on Biden.” His 2020 campaign ad – “You Won’t Be Safe in Joe Biden’s America” – predicted this, and today’s optics of America under attack are not unlike 1968. That’s when “Nixon and Wallace combined for 57% of the vote” (source: Newsweek). So, you can add law and order to the electorate’s shopping list for 2024.

The calculus is simple. Joe Biden hasn’t had a single positive approval poll in a year. Donald Trump’s polling average has only climbed since April 21st. Most Asians, Blacks, and Latinos don’t equate the Arab-Israeli conflict to their own histories in the USA. Parents are requesting tuition refunds from colleges disrupted by riots. Middling Americans don’t feel threatened by flag-protecting frat boys. And the White House spokeswoman just admitted…

“Look, protecting the American flag is admirable. I’ll leave it there.”




By S.W. Morten

The writer is a retired CEO, whose post-graduate education took him to England and career took him to developing nations; thereby informing his worldview (there's a reason statues honor individuals and not committees, the Declaration and Constitution were written in English and not Mandarin, and the world's top immigrant destination is USA and not Iran).