The seeds of Jihad have been sown.

It was rape unto death, rape as massacre, rape and crimes made to kill and torture women, using them and their bodies as an instrument to force exile of those communities in Israel.

Cochav Elkayam-Levy (law professor at Reichman University)

If you think the “darkest day in our democracy” was January 6, you need to compare the just-released security video of those “mega-MAGA Republicans” to the video interrogations of captured Hamas criminals confirming their top-down orders to murder, rape, and torture women and children. Then you need to re-watch the pro-Hamas demonstrations by Black Lives Matter and re-read the anti-Israel petitions from Ivy League students.

A clear and present danger is on the 2024 ballot, because anti-Israel is just woke code for animus toward Anglo-American ideals (like merit-based advancement, open and honest debate, persuasion over public shaming, and the rule of law over the fury of the mob). A majority of Americans get this: 77% feel the US is “more divided than ever” (source: Pew Research) and 64% feel World War III is looming (source: YouGov polling).

America feels “more divided” because bleeding-heart liberalism has metamorphosed into crazy-eyed radicalism. Growing numbers on the left now think it’s OK for Jews to be harassed on US college campuses, Korean grocers to be looted by Black Lives Matter, unborn Israelis to be burned on behalf of unborn Palestinians, and bin Laden to be idolized on TikTok. Skeptical? Read transgender author, and social influencer, Gretchen Felker-Martin on TikTok:

Can pretty safely state that bin Laden and I did not agree on much, but blowing up the World Trade Center is probably the most principled and defensible thing he ever did.

That defines “crazy” because bin Laden wanted to replace first-world modernism (informed by the Enlightenment and Reformation) with third-world medievalism (informed by gay-hating and women-oppressing Islamic fundamentalism). Suffice it to note that President Biden’s successor will inherit a hot mess – much like Churchill in 1939 and Reagan in 1980.

The next US president might inherit a three-front proxy war. Russia is still waging war in Ukraine. Iran is still funding Hamas and Hezbollah. China just told President Biden that Taiwan “reunification is unstoppable.” That Axis of Evil is draining munitions from the Arsenal of Democracy at the worst possible time. The national debt is $34.2 trillion, and a world war could bankrupt the USA. Sounds bad, but civilization hangs in the balance.

This is a time for intellectual honesty, and defense of the the first world begins in Israel, where PM Netanyahu recently connected the dots for Americans: “Victory for Israel over Hamas is victory for America and the civilized world” (source: Fox News). This is true, and the next US president must speak bluntly to Palestine’s UN cronies: a one-state solution will only create another failed state like North Korea.

UN members accuse Israel of “apartheid” because Muslims want land Jews occupied 600 years before the “Philistines invaded the Mediterranean area” (source: BBC History). What was Philistia then is now Gaza, and there was no Palestine nation-state until the British invented one after the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1920. Twenty-nine years later, after the fall of Nazi Germany, the victorious Allies created Israel (1948). 

Picking sides in a territorial dispute should be a matter of respect, trust, and shared values. Hard to respect Palestinians, who’ve blamed their poverty on Israel ad nauseam for over fifty years – while the Taiwanese, living in the shadow of Red China, have gained 90% share of the advanced semiconductor market, grown their GDP from $7.9 billion to $1.3 trillion, and achieved per capita income ($49,700) that’s surpassed Germany’s.

Hard to trust Arabic Muslims that have hurt Americans (oil embargoes and terror attacks) for over fifty years, despite US presidents negotiating their territorial dispute in good faith. What’s changed from 1972, when the PLO killed 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics, to October 7th, when Hamas massacred 1,400 Israelis? Nothing, except Al Qaeda killed nearly 3,000 on US soil in 2001.

Hard to share values with Hamas, which has rejected a “two-state solution” in favor of “honor killings” for almost 20 years. Read what Dr. Elkayam-Levy (quote above) said last week at Harvard Medical School, after seeing video evidence of the unthinkable: (1) Hamas men chanting “Allahu Akhbar” (God is most great) while gang-raping a German-Israeli woman, and (2) captured terrorists admitting their religious leaders ordered the cruelty to “sow fear among the Israelis.”

With that in mind, how’d the US get to a tipping point, where anti-semitic Ivy Leaguers need only military training to become traitorous jihadists? The enemy within: Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar sowing anti-semitism inside the Democrat Party, pro-Iran advisors inside the Biden administration, and Students for Justice in Palestine spreading Hamas and Hezbollah propaganda on US college campuses (source: FBI).

All is not lost, because the GOP knows the War On Terror isn’t over. Further help is on the way, based on campaign leaks of a few Day One executive orders:

  1. Revoke visas of foreign students who spew anti-semitism on US soil
  2. Deny federal funds to universities that tolerate anti-semitism
  3. Claw-back federal jobs for anti-semitic posts on social media, retroactive three years

Small steps for one president, but a giant leap for humanity.

The 2024 election is the most consequential in my 69 years, with too many big issues to pick just one. Still, it’s hard to think anything tops protecting the first world from misanthropes pursuing a dystopian vision.
