More alarming than its fake history is the White House’s inability to connect the dots between the U.S. surrender in Afghanistan and increasing world disorder. The U.S. is not more respected after surrendering to the Taliban. You can draw a straight line between the debacle in Afghanistan and the failure to deter Vladimir Putin from invading Ukraine

The Wall Street Journal (on Biden)

You know last week was rough on Ronna McDaniel. Dems nominated a “beatable” Republican judge and shifted Wisconsin’s Supreme Court left with the help of college kids. A New York Democrat indicted a former Republican president. The New York Times reported House Speaker McCarthy is blaming his own leadership for the lack of a budget. It probably felt like open season on the GOP.

The RNC should be cruising into 2024, because Joe Biden has NOT returned “normalcy” to America. If the Real Clear Politics averages are any indicator, this president is underwater on every major issue:

  • Foreign policy (down 13.2 points)
  • Crime (down 16.7 points)
  • Economy (down 21.6 points)
  • Immigration (down 24.4 points)
  • Inflation (down 29.7 points)
  • Direction of country (down 36.2 points)

That’s a mid-term report card that says Biden and his party suck at leading our country. Equally intolerable are the lies. Joe Biden blaming the “gun lobby” for rising crime, John Kirby saying Trump is responsible for the botched exit from Afghanistan, and Karine Jean-Pierre blaming “Republicans in Congress” for the transgender murderer of six in Nashville. The lies won’t stop until the next great leader of the GOP grabs the microphone (reference to Reagan).

Republicans need a hero – someone to stop wussifying our military and start governing for normie families with normie kids – because China is the real threat, and it’s time to stop blaming Christians, heterosexuals, and whites for every hurt feeling in America. Independents need a hero too – someone who won’t appoint a woman to the Supreme Court who refuses to define “woman” but later thanks God for being the “first black woman” on the court.

Democrats (the normal ones) need a hero too – someone to slow the roll of single-issue extremists, who won’t let folks cook on natural gas, guide their child’s development, or honor their family’s heritage. The party is now a coalition of awfulizing crackpots with cowed politicians at the top; whose policies are so bad, they have to censor the truth and censure the opposition.

The problem with Biden Democrats is twofold. One, they disregard huge, law-abiding majorities to push policies based on un-proven theories. Two, they demonize those who disagree with their un-proven theories. The result is extreme dysfunction at the top (bad decisions and big cover-ups) and extreme division at the grassroots. Just in the last two weeks, two examples come to mind.

The problem is rising crime, especially politically-motivated mass shootings. I’m sure Dems de-funding the police and invoking political violence are a part of the problem. If the second amendment protects the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, 55.6 million homes (45%) have a gun owner (source: Statista), and Gallup found 88% of guns are owned as protection against crime, why does Biden blame the “gun lobby” for rising crime? To misdirect.

That was Maxine Waters telling a 2016 crowd to “get up in their face and tell them they are not welcome,” and Chuck Schumer telling a pro-abortion mob in 2021, “I want to tell you Kavanaugh. You have released the whirlwind, and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you.” When Steven Scalise (gun) and Lee Zeldin (knife) were attacked, was it the gun lobby or partisans? Was Kavanaugh’s would-be assassin (convinced by a sibling to give himself up) a pawn of the gun lobby or Schumer?

The defense of responsible gun owners (there are many) was made by ex-Marine and now Virginia’s lieutenant governor, Winsome Earle-Sears, on Bill Maher’s show: “If you’re breaking into my home while I’m waiting on the police to come, I’m gonna shoot you.” When she cited the reality of guns owned as protection – “The fastest growing segment of gun owners is women, black women” – liberal Maher nodded in agreement:

“It makes sense because guns are a leveler. If you don’t have guns, then the person who is physically stronger is always going to win. I have guns. I do not like them, but I’m glad they exist because I’m as small as some women.”

It’s an “inconvenient truth” for Democrats. They are actually de-funding police, crime is really rising, and private citizens are rightly frightened. Shame on Biden for passing the buck and Democrats for invoking violence against Republicans. Hoo-ray for Sears, whose heroic push-back set the record straight.

The problem is war; a proxy war with Russia and a cold war with China. I’m sure the botched Afghanistan withdrawal – 13 troops killed at Kabul airport, abandonment of the US embassy and Bagram airbase, $7 billion in military equipment left behind – emboldened America’s enemies. And I’d bet Biden’s evacuation of US personnel from Ukraine invited Putin’s invasion two weeks later. Any guess as to why a Chinese spy balloon floated over the continental US and most of our nuclear arsenal?

Start with a military reinvented by Biden’s DEI agenda into incompetence and dishonesty. Like the 12-page national security assessment of the fiasco in Afghanistan that claimed Biden wasn’t responsible and blamed (you guessed it) Trump. Joe Biden holds we the people in such contempt that his national security spokesman asserted there was “no chaos” at the Kabul Airport and claimed the President was “proud” of the withdrawal.

Nikki Haley called BS: “The idea that we left Afghanistan in the middle of the night, without telling our allies, who stood with us for decades because we asked. Think about what that told our allies. More importantly, think about what that told our enemies.” An “outraged” Mike Pompeo agreed: “President Biden made the political decision to announce the date of withdrawal, to publicize it, and then to withdraw, in spite of the fact that the military clearly had told him that was a likely outcome.”

This recurring habit of causing problems and blaming Republicans is killing our country. And it’s not as if good Republicans, like Tom Cotton, don’t see it: “It doesn’t get much lower than blaming Republicans in Congress for a transgender killer who targeted a Christian school.” I blame this on the RNC lacking a sense of emergency about 2024, which means all voters hear (and believe) are the two most disliked presidents in my lifetime. If Ms. McDaniel waits until the first GOP debate (October), her party may be DOA in November 2024.

The RNC cannot stop Biden’s lies or Trump’s gonzo proclamations. It can introduce other competent and electable Republicans to America in a publicized and televised process – much like the townhall meetings Fox News aired in 2019 (when the DNC banned it from hosting its presidential debates). Bernie Sanders aired in April 2019, so what’s the hold-up already?

No way Nikki Haley doesn’t jump at the opportunity (she needs a boost). No way that doesn’t help the GOP (a daughter of non-white immigrants criticizing Democrats). No way that doesn’t nudge DeSantis, Pompeo, and Youngkin to a decision. Until the RNC has one voice (not McCarthy, McConnell or Trump) opposing Biden’s policies, ridiculing his gaffes, and standing up for normie voters, the DNC has the advantage. C’mon, Ronna!


By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.