A most embarrassing American moment

Cuban-American protestors in Miami were spot on, telling CBS Miami, “Biden sitting in the White House doing nothing. What was the point of putting him in office?” Nada, because he told voters Cuba was a “failed state” and communism was a “universally failed system,” but promised CBS he’d “go back” to Obama’s pro-Cuba policies. Fox’s Britt Hume thinks Biden has dementia and some wonder if he’s even in charge. Who cares? The problem is he’s a talking time bomb in charge.

As Biden struggled in the town hall meeting on CNN, I was angry at college-educated voters deceived by four years of Democrat dishonesty: Schiff claiming “more than circumstantial evidence” of Russia collusion, Pelosi blaming Trump – not China – for COVID, Psaki tweeting “Trump knew about Russia offering bounties,” and Biden claiming his son’s laptop was a “Russian plant.” Each of those claims has been credibly debunked, which is one reason 70% of GOP voters say the election was stolen.

This president is off to a horrible start – and it can get much worse – making bad decisions and outrageous claims, avoiding reporters, lying when confronted, and slandering Republicans. The latest Gallop poll has Biden’s approval down to 50%, proving one cannot fool all the people all of the time. 6 months into his presidency, Joe Biden’s bad decisions, failing memory, creepy idiosyncrasies, and default mode of self-serving lies are on record.

Biden’s Incredibly Bad Decisions

Candidate Biden did invite the crisis on the Mexican border, where the Border Patrol has arrested over 1,000,000 illegal immigrants in eight months, the most since 2000. 188,829 aliens were arrested in June alone, the most in 21 years. President Biden did reverse Trump policies, fueling the crisis. 12 months before Biden’s executive orders, monthly arrests averaged 49,140. Since his executive orders, monthly arrests have averaged 164,536.

President Biden did slow the jobs recovery by paying workers to stay home, but took credit for “more jobs in the first six months in our administration than any time in American history.” Call that a “half truth” because red states are far out-performing blue states. The eight best states for job growth in 2021 have Republican governors, who opened up early and stopped extra jobless benefits early. Their unemployment ranges from 2.5% to 3.7% (source: WSJ).

In contrast, the eight worst states for job growth have Democrat governors, who opened up late and kept paying extra jobless benefits. Their unemployment ranges from 7.2% to 7.9%, and five of those states (CA, CT, IL, NJ and NY) have lost workers, meaning “unemployment” is even worse. California has a jobless rate of 7.7% despite 540,000 fewer workers than in February 2020. Trump had jobs rebounding, Democrats imposed hurdles on businesses and employers, and still Biden early-calls victory!

Biden’s Embarrassing False Claims

Suggesting Biden is “slipping into old age” or is “not really calling the shots” is what nice Republicans say to hide from the reality of a left-wing angry old man in the Oval Office. He was off the mean-o-meter when asked by NBC about his message to Facebook: “they’re killing people.” After a little coaching, he said Facebook shouldn’t take “it personally that I’m saying ‘Facebook is killing people.’ Do something about the misinformation.”

Asked about state election-integrity laws: “the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War…this is election subversion.” Biden was probably targeting his party’s left-wing (“we’re going to challenge it vigorously”), but he had promised to restore civility and bipartisan governance. And, the fact of the matter is US citizens put the GOP in charge of 30 states to enact legislation, and 80% of voters support voter-ID laws – that in no way subvert elections.

Asked during the CNN town hall if his $6 trillion spending plans were inflationary: “No, no, here’s the deal. We will reduce inflation [with] good opportunities and jobs for people, who [will] be reinvesting that money; driving down prices, not raising prices. Prices are up now [like] two-by-four lumber. People stopped cutting lumber [because] unemployment was so down, [but] now there’s this need because people are coming back and guess what? Instead of paying ten cents you’re paying 20.”

US presidents should know higher-paying jobs create price-inflating consumers, lower unemployment increases demand for lumber, and cheap pine now costs ninety-one cents? On the clueless meter, that was second only to what Biden knows about car prices: “the cost of an automobile is kind of back to where it was before the pandemic.” In fact, car prices increased 20% (rural) to 43% (urban) in 2021. Unaware of the laws of supply-and-demand or inflation, this president is dangerous.

The Worst Communicator in Modern Presidential History

What do world leaders think? Does his habit of whispering to reporters seem witty? Does repeating phrases (“will reduce inflation, reduce inflation, reduce inflation”) sound with it? During his CNN town hall, Twitter blew up: it’s like his mouth is falling down the stairshe’s literally making no sense...said “not a joke” or “I’m not joking” at least 30 times. Mind you, he claims to be “restoring faith in our government,” when Pew reports only 24% of Americans now trust his government.

During the CNN town hall, his recall of HIS PLAN to end non-compete labor agreements was frightening: “You have over 600,000 people out there signing…6 million people signing a…I better check that number.” CNN’s own fact checkers reported Jen Psaki put the number at “more than 30 million” and another White House source put the number “between 36 and 60 million workers.” That’s a “dysfunctional” White House, if ever.

Biden apologists point to President Reagan in his second turn; however, at a loss for words, Reagan shut up. This president presses on, often doubling down on the misinformation. I’m not being mean, because this is OUR leader behind the wheel. Imagine a flight from Chicago to Miami with similar confusion: This is your captain speaking. We’ll get to Miami in 16 minutes…60 minutes…I better check with the flight attendants…They say it’s more like 3 hours…could be 6 hours. America is on that flight.

Bad Decisions and Big Lies Have Consequences

Here’s the real scandal. Democrats and their media allies tossed America from the Trump frying pan into the Biden dumpster fire. After “worrying” that Trump was unhinged, they ignore Biden’s non compos mentis moments. After “resisting” Trump’s effective orders, they applaud Biden’s bad ideas. At least Trump came out of the gate sanctioning Cuba and Iran, and swinging at China. Biden arrived so feeble, he could not share a stage with Putin. Even Jimmy Carter wasn’t that pitiful.

The consequences of FUBAR orders and explanations are gelling. According to ABC News, 55% of the public is now pessimistic about the direction of the USA, up from 36% in May. Confidence in the Biden Presidency is down 20% with all voters. We know 70% of Republicans think he “stole” the election, but 30% of Democrats and 62% of independent voters now express pessimism in a Biden-led future. If the mid-terms were held today, enthusiasm would tilt big-time to the GOP.

By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.