It’s ironic to have all of these people flee autocratic regimes, get here, take advantage of our freedoms – and try to destroy them – while they rah rah illiberal regimes, deface monuments, throw paint on the Lincoln Memorial, and disrupt Christmas.

Victor Davis Hanson (on Fox News)

I woke up Christmas morning to The Guardian’s (UK) hand-wringing piece on “Christian nationalist groups mobilizing before the 2024 elections” and The Atlantic’s (US) hit piece on “the dangerous forces of Christian nationalism inside the Church and Republican Party.” In contrast, neither leftist rag dissed Islamic nationalism on the holiest Day of Arafah or Black Lives Matter on Martin Luther King Day (I know because I checked).

The Guardian went to an American Legion hall in Wisconsin to be scared by a voter saying (1) “the fundamental truths are that God is our creator and Jesus is our savior” and (2) “the 2020 election and Covid tyranny forced Christians to learn how to no longer be silent.” Let’s be honest: there’d have been no article if the words had come from the mouth of the reverend Al Sharpton.

You want scary? Liberal media awfulizing Christian “rhetoric” when those “fundamental truths” are held by 2.4 billion Christians worldwide, and demonizing “increasing Christian influence” in local government after other movements of like-minded citizens have forever been organizing in the USA to vote out perceived tyranny.

You want scary? Foreign media awfulizing American “nationalist groups” right after pro-Hamas miscreants harassed Jewish Americans, tore down lost-Israeli posters, and demanded the end of a US ally, while pro-Palestinian protestors blocked Christmas travelers, screamed in the Holocaust Museum, and chanted “Allahu Akbar” (Allah is greater) at the site of the fallen World Trade Center.

These taunts beg the question: what are America’s majority groups allowed when they feel threatened? Seriously, why can’t 210 million Christians rally after the FBI spied on Catholics? For that matter, why can’t 257 million citizens, who trace their heritage back to Europe (Hispanics and Whites), defend their interests by forming White Lives Matter?

It’s not hard to get why Californians distrusted Japanese-Americans after Pearl Harbor and New Yorkers mistrusted Muslims after 9-11. Because part of being a self-regulating adult is reacting to bad experiences to prevent repeats. That’s why the 2020 election resulted in Georgia’s election-integrity laws, and a few years of Biden resulted in Texans turning back foreigners at the Mexican border.

At some point, 272 million Americans who are not Black, LGBTQ, or Muslim are going to blame the Intersectional Left for harmfully dividing this country. No joke, because 82% of the country walks through a PC minefield every day, seething as so-called “aggrieved” individuals subjectively punch up ad nauseam at “racist” and “homophobic” and “xenophobic” citizens (i.e. their fellow Americans).

For liberal journalists to belittle conservatism and nationalism is to admit they ate the brown acid at Woodstock. Iran’s been preaching “Death To America” and funding anti-semitism for 43 years, while elite-college kids have decided Jews are no longer a  “protected” minority and “holocaust survivors” don’t deserve a homeland. Meanwhile, Democrats have opened the border, defunded police departments, refused to jail criminals, and the White Knight is walking backwards. C’mon, man!

Then there’s the (wink-wink) coincidence of anti-Christian editorials and travel-blocking Palestinian protests on one of Christendom’s holiest days. Right, like George Floyd protests just turned into nationwide arson and looting, and CNN’s black reporter – with streets ablaze in the background – really observed “mostly peaceful protests.” No wonder conservative scholar Victor Davis Hanson smells a Marxist rat in the DEI movement.

He questions how “the many” are served when our military’s DEI agenda results in 25% fewer recruits, Harvard’s DEI-hire president results in fewer applications, Bud Light’s and Disneys DEI policies lose customers, and Affirmative Action leaves smart and hard-working Asian students nowhere to go but the Supreme Court? Hanson rightly senses a Great Awakening is near.

By the way, Trump’s probably going to ride that Great Awakening into the Oval Office because the Intersectional Left has used its DEI agenda to create Crazy Town. Oops! Hispanic moms want more law and order – not less. Black moms don’t want dudes undressing in the girls locker room. White families don’t want to be taxed to pay $12 trillion in slavery reparations. Jews don’t want to send money to Iran, Hamas, and Hezbollah. And, it’s everywhere.

The polls suggest everyday Americans have had enough, so – – if just half of the 165,000,000 adult US Christians voted as a bloc (82.7M) for the GOP in 2024, it would mean closed borders, girls only in girls sports, more cops on the street, and turning anti-semitism into a hate crime. And despite the liberal media outcry, it would be democracy in action, and the winner would be legitimate.

Put that in your Grinch pipe and smoke it, all ye leftists, and leave us a Merry Christmas in 2024!


By S.W. Morten

The writer is a retired CEO, whose post-graduate education took him to England and career took him to developing nations; thereby informing his worldview (there's a reason statues honor individuals and not committees, the Declaration and Constitution were written in English and not Mandarin, and the world's top immigrant destination is USA and not Iran).