America is in the midst of a national identity crisis. We hunger for purpose at a moment when faith, patriotism and hard work are on the decline. We embrace secular religions like climatism, Covidism, and gender ideology to satisfy our need for meaning, yet we can’t answer what it means to be an American.

Vivek Ramaswamy (GOP presidential candidate)

In 1492, European Christopher Columbus sought a trade shortcut to India. Though his trade mission failed, he brought advanced civilization to a primitive land; thereby creating the New World. How fitting that Indians, as Europe’s social constructs are threatened, now defend advanced civilization in the USA. I, of course, have the White House hopes of Republicans Nikki Haley and Vivek Ramaswamy in mind.

Nikki’s and Vivek’s opportunity is simple; make America fit for the 21st century by quashing the bio-fascism that turns America against itself. Republicans need them to take on gender-muddling and race-avenging Democrats. It’s clear Haley gets it: “the thought of me running for President makes the liberals’ heads explode.” Imagine Biden accusing her of nativism and racism when she insists equal opportunity and tolerance are enough (c’mon, man).

Already, far-left mouths are spewing nonsense. MSNBC said Haley was “using her brown skin to launder white supremacy,” and the Daily Beast called her “alpha Karen with brown skin.” A member of the NAACP tweeted, “Say your real name, Nikki. Are you afraid the white folks won’t vote for someone named Nimrata?” This was cited by The Five’s Dana Perino as proof liberals “only see someone as a minority if they have the word Democrat next to their name.”

Both want to wage a culture war against Democrats, especially Ramaswamy. “I am launching not only a presidential campaign but a cultural movement to create a new American Dream – one that is not only about money but about the unapologetic pursuit of excellence. I am running on a vision for our nation – one that revives merit in every sphere of American life.” No fan of the you-owe-me mob, he wants to re-install a merit-based society in the USA:

  • Merit-based immigration (only-legal entry for folks who add value)
  • Merit-based admissions and hiring (stop racial preferences)
  • Merit-based government (fire politicized bureaucrats)

Ramaswamy is a long shot, but he’s the right outsider to criticize the “establishment” and elevate the GOP debate; successful entrepreneur, Ivy-educated, and Ohio-born. Above all, he articulates the American Dream and anti-woke argument better than (even) Ron DeSantis; so watch the leftist heads explode at his “I will eliminate affirmative action across the American economy” talking point. The GOP should embrace his pro-merit platform for two reasons.

One, Democrats are alienating the two largest voting blocs (72,000,000 Millennials and 76,000,000 Boomers) and two fastest-rising ethnic groups (Asians up 5,000,000 and Hispanics up 10,000,000 since 2012) by pushing gonzo policies that pander to “otherness” victims. Democrats have shoved those down everyone’s throat and pushed these must-have groups toward the GOP. Exit polling from 2012 to 2022 confirm the cause-and-effect:

  • woke educators helped the GOP share of Millennial votes rise from 37% to 45%
  • cancel culture helped the GOP share of Boomer votes rise from 56% to 63%
  • affirmative action helped the GOP share of Asian votes rise from 26% to 40%
  • defund the police helped the GOP share of Hispanic votes rise from 27% to 39%

In fact, today’s Asian and Hispanic immigrants hold cultural beliefs two times more conservative than their native-born cohorts (source: NAE). Most Asians (74%) are “religious” with Christianity being the top faith (source: Pew Research). Most Hispanics (82%) are Christian (source: PRRI). Liberal media moan weekly about the “surge” in Hispanic evangelicals and conservative Spanish-speaking radio; so it’s a safe bet that Ramaswamy’s cultural message appeals to these voters.

Two, the “merit-based America” message will flummox Democrats, who’ll trot out an “oppressed” victim to match the optics with the message; Republicans out here hating on blacks, gays, and immigrants. That didn’t fly in Virginia 2021, when Glenn Youngkin’s running mate was Jamaica-born Winsome Sears (and could she ever talk up merit-based America!).

Diversity is America’s comparative advantage over China (91% Han Chinese) and Russia (96% White), who love how Democrats have made it our Achilles heel by promoting “otherness” victims like Ilhan Omar (R-MN) and attacking “opportunity” winners like Tim Scott (R-SC). China tells its people see how the US treats Asians. Russia tells its people the US will force diversity (Muslims) on you. It’s all over their social media (Hé, c’est la guerre).

Xi and Putin are also betting an American house divided cannot stand and have, therefore, committed to a long game – until our woke military is no longer seen as fearsome. They know enlistments are down 25% under Biden, and love that a DOD internal study found that “wokeness” wasn’t the cause. Thus, it falls on the GOP to strengthen the US by killing the politics of identity once and for all, and that starts with ousting Biden.

America needs Haley and Ramaswamy on the road and debate stage to expose the sham of identity politics by example. Party insiders are now talking of a DeSantis-Haley dream team. Why? Liberal Politico has the answer: “Nikki Haley is a demographic dream for the Republican ticket. She is a female, an Indian-American (and) exhibits diversity in a very unique way in the Republican Party.” The most recent Haley and DeSantis exit polls show how.

In 2014, Haley won 84% of white evangelicals, 71% of white women, 64% of married voters, 63% of veterans, 60% of college graduates, 60% of suburban voters, and 55% of Independents. In 2022, DeSantis won those groups, plus 61% of Asians, 56% of Hispanics, and every age group. Now that’s a Dream Team worthy of a national test drive.

What about Trump? Yes, he won 74 million votes in 2020, but he won less than 36% of South Carolina Independents, less than 45% of Florida’s Hispanics and Asians, and lost Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, and Wisconsin – even as the GOP held the state’s legislature. His loss was due to winning too few college graduates (41%), Independents (37%), millennials (41%), and how’s he turn that around?

The view here is that DeSantis and Haley are generational talents, who can build on Trump’s base. That’s what happened for DeWine (OH), Kemp (GA) and Youngkin (VA), who far out-polled Trump – even in rural counties. And that’s what it’ll take to sweep into DC with a mandate – a mandate that says stop pushing social experiments on the pro-America majority.


By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.