Do we have a nation, or not?

The Central American caravan is a blessing for American sovereignty, because it has exposed anarcho-globalists and their dangerous ideas. Thankfully, President Trump – even without all the answers – is forcing America to re-examine an immigration system in dire need of reform. When America’s commander in chief describes migrants amassed at the southern border as an invasion, it is no small matter.

When thousands of foreigners approach the US border intending forced entry, it is an invasion. When hundreds of migrant men bring another man’s child to game the US immigration system, it is an invasion. When no-border Democrats disclaim a Republican president’s constitutional powers, it is an attack upon our Republic.

So-called progressives in Congress and the media over-played their tear-jerking, name-calling hand when ICE and CBP lobbed tear gas onto caravan members climbing over and squeezing through the wall from Tijuana into California. Congressional Democrats, joined by immigrant-rights advocates and some Latin American leaders, branded the behavior of border guards and ICE agents un-American. In fact, every open-border advocate is partially responsible for the migrant children in holding pens and fleeing tear gas, because the immigration problem could have been resolved years ago.

In a pragmatic capitol, center-left Democrats would give Republicans strong borders in exchange for citizenship for Dreamers…even if it meant giving Trump his dad-gummed wall. Furthermore, American values can co-exist with immigration reform. American humanity can increase the annual immigration total (normally 1,000,000) during a refugee crisis, such as the Holocaust. The American economy can be aided during times of labor shortages by granting more H-1B and H-2B visas. Secure borders are actually an apolitical step to protect wage levels and neighborhoods, because everybody knows unskilled workers, drugs and terrorists use the same underground railroads. So – – why have do-nothing Democrats dragged their feet?

They are philosophically dysfunctional. Today’s DNC has been over-run by extremists, who embrace radical ideas, such as dismantling ICE (Immigration and Customers Enforcement), allowing anyone claiming refugee status into the USA, providing entitlements to non-citizens, and giving any resident the right to vote. These ideas are anti-nation and fly in the face of American realism, which believes the USA cannot solve all the problems in the world or provide a job to every American wannabe.

They are politically power hungry. The modern DNC is keen on re-taking the White House and believes a growing immigrant population can be persuaded Republicans are the party of the white, Christian and native-born. This is the foundation of identity-based politics. Democrats believe allegations of “dog whistles” and “white supremacists” frighten Asians, Blacks, Hispanics and Jews into the voting booth. Republicans reject this seditious BS and suspect Democrats don’t put their country before their power or pocketbook.

The late John McCain was no stranger to partisan BS and recognized Barack Obama’s identity dog whistle when he heard it: “They cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment.” In that patently divisive statement, Obama reduced rural voters, Christians, whites, and blue-collar workers to anachronistic stereotypes who could not grasp socialism and globalismIn so doing, Obama was just as responsible for violence and a divided America as any alt-right goober with a gun rack.

Yes, Make America Great Again did refer to the US economy, but it also reminded the governed that some that govern had wrongly called US law enforcement “fascists,” and allowed many American communities to decay. When discussing border security in 2016, MSNBC’s Chris Matthews asserted, “Either we have a nation, or we don’t.” He was onto something, because 60 percent of Americans now favor a southern wall, and 70 percent now favor stricter enforcement of US immigration laws (source: Harvard Harris poll). Unfortunately, this majority opinion is not supported by left-leaning Democrats and their media allies.

It is easy to detect illegal-immigrant bias in members of the press, such as CNN’s Jim Acosta. Before the midterm elections, he lectured Trump that the caravan was “not an invasion” and “they’re not going to be doing that” [climbing the border walls]. However, climb the wall is exactly what the Central Americans attempted, but did we hear a mea culpa apology from Mr. Acosta? No way, Jose!

A super-majority (70%) of Americans want US immigration laws to be enforced, and a majority (54%) support ICE and CBP. Furthermore, every open-border Democrat in Congress knows President Obama authorized the use of tear gas and pepper spray in 2010 and remained silent in 2013, when CBP and ICE doused migrants with tear gas 27 times and pepper spray 151 times. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) claims to smell a DNC rat, and can you blame him?

I am frightened by what’s being said by today’s wild-eyed Democrats. Senator Brian Schatz (D-HI) claimed in a tweet, “America’s use of tear gas violated Chemical Weapons Conventions.” Besides making a false claim (tear gas is preferable to bullets or batons), no US senator should accuse America of committing war crimes. Made aware of the facts, the seditious senator deleted his tweet. Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA), called for “UN inspections of the American atrocity at the border.” What is it with Western liberals? The UN has no standing in sovereign states with clearly functional control over their borders. Buh-duh, Babs!

Not to be outdone, Rep-elect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) compared the Central American caravan to Jews fleeing Nazi Germany. Perhaps the rookie can be forgiven, since she also claimed unemployment rates have decreased due to more Americans working two jobs. On second thought, I cannot forgive anyone who trivializes the Holocaust for political gain. Hondurans looking for gainful employment are not the same as refugees from genocide.

Yes, the caravan has opened many reasonable eyes. Mexico is open to the idea of allowing “refugees” to wait south of the border while a US judge adjudicates their claim. DHS spokespersons are telling Americans how few southern-border migrants are granted asylum, and that many asylum-seekers skip their court dates. I trust the common sense of the American people. After the political grand-standing, a broken immigration system is still what we the people see.











By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.