What happened today to Jussie Smollett must never be tolerated in this country. We must stand up and demand that we no longer give this hate safe harbor; that homophobia and racism have no place on our streets or in our hearts. We are with you, Jussie.

Joe Biden (January 2019)

On January 22, 2019, a letter addressed to a gay, black actor arrived at his Chicago studio. It read, “Smollett, Jussie you will die…MAGA,” depicted a lynching, and contained a white powder. A week later at 2 AM, two white men attacked Smollett, who told police the men yelled, “racial and homophobic slurs…this is MAGA country.” Believing they “poured an unknown chemical substance on [him], beat him, and wrapped a rope around [his] neck,” Cory Booker called it “a modern day lynching.”

Except it was no such thing: a Chicago jury found Smollett guilty Thursday of staging a hate crime and lying to police. Why, you may ask, should he be sent to Guantanamo? Because that’s where America’s enemies are imprisoned, and gaming the judicial system is an attack upon our Nation of Laws. Smollett’s motive was to incite fear and loathing of “that man” and “those people.” Two impeachments and oodles of race-based policies later, he got what he wanted.

Joe Biden wasn’t the only gullible Democrat to virtue-signal on cue. Kamala Harris called it a “modern day lynching.” DNC chair Tom Perez called it “a vicious hate crime.” And that’s just half of it, because their next step was to flood Congress, statehouses, and councils with “social justice” policies, like Booker pushing a “bill designating lynching as a federal hate crime.” The point here is NOT to make light of lynching (it’s murder) or social justice.

The point here is the length race-obsessed partisans go to prove America is no better for non-whites 50 years after enacting Civil Rights laws and the War on Poverty. I might be showing my age, but a deceptive coward like Smollett is no substitute for the brave African-Americans who STOOD UP for themselves (which should be taught to every school kid). I am, of course, referring to Rosa Parks.

On December 1, 1955, in Montgomery, Alabama, a white bus driver ordered Parks to give her seat to a white passenger. She resisted non-violently in plain sight of all – Blacks and Whites – and was arrested. Her open bravery inspired “copycat” protests; blacks boycotting Montgomery’s buses for 381 days. She changed our Nation of Laws the right way, with courage and transparency. In contrast, Smollett has inspired fake hate-crime copycats.

Commentator Clay Travis observes the “demand for racist hate far exceeds the supply of any racist hate incidents, because we are seeing one racial hoax charade after another.” Admissions and arrests confirm over 350 hate-crime hoaxes, which you can peruse on fakehatecrime.org. Just click here and get sick, or note these three doozies:

  • In August 2020, a (former) professor at Vanderbilt admitted she created a (fake) queer Hopi persona on Twitter, who was (fake) sexually harassed by a Harvard professor. Fearing detection, she had the persona (fake) die of COVID.
  • In October, East Carolina police charged a black student for faking a (not his) fraternity party flyer that stated “no blacks” would be allowed.
  • In November, Providence College shared surveillance video of black vandals etching racial slurs on a black basketball player’s car.

This mad-liberal depravity is anathema in a Nation of Laws, because gaming the system undermines law and order (police) and justice (the courts). The clear motive of these and Smollett’s hoax was to kill the “united” in the USA, making them high crimes. If they want Death To America, let them live in Guantanamo.

The USA is “united” because the founders envisioned a diverse continental nation that would be “settled” by continued immigration. Hence, they conceived a Nation of Laws, rather than a Nation of One Tribe. One can say the US has been a sharp-elbowed melting pot, or that its moral arc bent too slowly toward justice, but not that it has discouraged diversity or failed to enact “civil rights” and “hate crime” laws to protect minorities. Fake hate-crimes are anti-American because a house divided against itself cannot stand.

The USA deserved better from Jussie Smollett. Born into a biracial family, and awarded a role in The Mighty Ducks at age 10 by Disney and in Empire at age 33 by Fox, most Americans wouldn’t agree that his identity (black and gay) hurt him. Many think he preyed upon the poor Osundairo brothers, paying them a mere $3,500 to risk jail time – just to foment a partisan false claim (racist Trump). But don’t expect mea culpas from duped Democrats.

Because the bigger crime was that Smollett tricked his party into looking dumb on crime: only 36% of Americans now approve of Biden’s handling of crime, compared to 61% who disapprove (source: ABC/Ipsos). And, Smollett’s stunt might jeopardize black lives. By sensationalizing make-believe victims, Biden invites more hate-crime deniers. By condoning violent riots, the Squad sows civil-rights apathy. So, yeah, Smollett did a bad, bad thing.


By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.