Florida wants free and fair elections

When it comes to “free and fair” elections and “open and honest” campaigns, Democrats hold a binary view: elections can be free OR fair…campaigns can be open OR honest. “Free” to them was knocking down fences at Woodstock in 1969, and “open” was ripping Beatles tunes off Napster in 1999. No wonder their ends (Biden victory) justify their means (ballot harvesting). Thus, Republicans must react with laws to ensure “fair” and “honest” – as Florida’s GOP just did.

Florida has a new election-integrity law, which CNN proclaimed is “part of a cross-country Republican effort – in the wake of President Donald Trump’s lies about the integrity of the 2020 election – to impose new restrictions on voter access.” In mad-liberal parlance, “restriction” is code for white-only voting, when the percentage of registered black Floridians (57.6%) is the same as California and higher than Massachusetts. Get a load of the restrictions:

  • Possession of vote-by mail ballots is restricted to mine, my immediate family (4), and two other people, meaning I could tote seven ballots – except for my paddle your own canoe rule.
  • A request for a vote-by-mail ballot is restricted to an election cycle two years out, meaning my 2024 mail-in-ballot requires me to still be alive and living in Florida.
  • Ballot drop-off to boxes have restrictions: monitored by a human and open during early voting hours, meaning I can’t drive around until I find a “secret” ballot box.
  • Vote-by-mail ballots are restricted to Florida residents with a social security number, state-issued ID number, or Florida driver license number. Who but ET can even live without such a number?
  • Registering to vote is restricted to persons who affirm “I am not a convicted felon or, if I am, my right to vote had been restored.” Seriously, Democrats have a problem with that?
  • Change of address to Florida is restricted to people providing date of birth, and a social-security, driver license, or state-issued-ID number. I did this with ease in November. Getting the post office, social security, banks, and Christmas cards to find me was hard.

Not evil, but Democrats spewed boiler plate outrage that all 30 states with GOP-controlled legislatures can expect. The real outrage is how un-democratic they are, because 57% of America (185 million) voted the GOP into control of 30 statehouses, compared to only 41% (134 million) putting Democrats in control of 18 statehouses. A clear majority trusts the GOP to set congressional maps and write election laws, making Democrats the out-party in most municipalities, counties, and statehouses.

Democrats are the in-party ONLY in newsrooms and on Big Tech campuses (where election-integrity laws become Jim Crow 2.0). CNN will push “voter suppression” non-stop, and Twitter will ban “Biden lost” content. They know Trump can’t prove voter fraud and they won’t report implausible vote totals in deep-blue precincts, the after-midnight swing to Biden, or how Democrat lawyers sued to get late changes to state election laws.

The “end” sought by state-level Republicans is legitimate elections and their “means” are ironclad residency laws and common-sense verification of voters. Everyday Americans, who live outside the mad-liberal echo chamber, overwhelmingly support these laws: 74% of Georgia’s registered voters now support voter-ID laws (source: UGA/AJC). Back in 2018, Pew Research found 76% of Americans want every voter to show a government-issued photo ID.

If you need more evidence of how out of touch Democrats and their media allies are, consider Florida since the 2000 Hanging Chad election.

  • 2000 – 15,300,000 people = Bush by 1,000 votes
  • 2004 – 17,400,000 people = Bush by 381,000 votes
  • 2008 – 18,400,000 people = Obama by 166,000 votes
  • 2012 – 19,300,000 people = Romney by 75,000 votes
  • 2016 – 20,600,000 people = Trump by 113,000 votes
  • 2020 – 21,600,000 people = Trump by 372,000 votes

Since 2000, Florida has added 6.3 million residents, liberal polls have kept turning the state blue, and Republicans have kept winning. In fact, the GOP has added 2.8 million voters (Bush 2000 got 2.9 million votes and Trump 2020 got 5.7 million votes). When will the pundits learn? New Floridians are lifestyle migrants; attracted to lower taxes, less liberal government, and more opportunity – refugees from failed (blue) states like New York and Illinois.

When will the pundits learn? Probably never, because they so want Florida to become California.


By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.