Practiced at the art of deception

Right about now, split-ticket Republicans should be feeling betrayed, because Biden’s so leaning left. There’s no other conclusion after reading his Modernizing Regulatory Review order that will “ensure swift and effective Federal action” and “affirmatively promote regulations” because the purpose of review is to PREVENT affirmatively promoted and swiftly enacted regulations – not set loose mad-liberal bureaucrats.

It would be nice if Happy Days Are Here Again was the Biden inaugural anthem. After reviewing the Democrat’s new commission to suggest Supreme Court reform, Under My Thumb might be more appropriate. The veiled threat has already frightened Chief Justice Robert leftward (e.g. Medical Services L.L.C v. Russo) and, if one Republican member makes it bipartisan, one can assume court-packing will constitute reform.

Is it too early to allege deception? Not really, because candidate Biden touted his Catholic faith and refused to defend the free exercise of religion. He sat silent after Mayor De Blasio banned Jews from gathering in prayer. I think we all know why the faithful turn to God and when those who call others “deplorable” need to look in the mirror. Yet, with COVID raging, Biden sided with progressives, who’ve long opposed the free exercise of religion.

As president, Biden sits idly while conservative expression is muzzled. Clinton supporters speculated about Russiagate ad nauseam on social media, and Republicans allowed Adam Schiff (D-CA) and Mark Warner (D-VA) to spread half truths. Biden knows elections rarely conclude without loser speculation, and he promised to “unite” all Americans and “restore decency ” to politics.

Yet, he now refuses to call out big social media for its post-election purge of right-wing voices. Most Republicans (70% to 85%) polled don’t believe the election was fair and square, so it looks like suppression to stop the debate. In other words, let the sore losers yammer, Mr. President. Even worse, Biden has yet to call off his party’s pay-back posse or call out Katie Couric for suggesting Republicans need de-programming.

Biden appears more “made man” than hard-fighting victor. He was never rigorously inspected by the press and, trailing Sanders, a quickly “arranged” marriage to Klobuchar and Buttigieg gave him the South Carolina Miracle. Now, the markers are being called: Amy opened his inaugural and Pete is his transportation secretary. And, for a moderate, he’s sure surrounded by a lot of Obama cronies.

To repay unions for their get-out-the-vote results, Biden fired the National Labor Review Board’s general counsel (Republican Peter Robb). To repay teacher’s unions, he provided cover (“the teachers want to work…just in a safe environment”) when they defied Chicago City Hall’s order to re-open the schools. Haven’t we been there and done that? Yes, and the hair plugs and Top Gun aviator sunglasses should have exposed Biden as 78-year-old man in denial of his age.

Biden made the pandemic HIS ISSUE in 2020, promising to wage war on COVID if elected. Exit polls suggest this issue put him in the White House, and this is where the case against Biden truly begins. Once inaugurated, Biden declared war on fossil fuels. Really? With the economy at a tipping point and millions of Americans waiting for vaccines, is this what the US needs right now. Even worse, when did he campaign as the Environmental President? This is 2009 all over again – – not good.


By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.