Whew! The first presidential debate was emotionally exhausting – like watching a divorced couple fight. In short, Joe Biden looked old, Donald Trump looked mean, and Chris Wallace looked weak. Biden refused to tell centrists where Democrats will take the country. Trump confirmed his critics’ worst nightmare. Neither candidate – in the verbal melee – gave independent and undecided voters anything of substance.

On the surface, Biden won the debate. He used his inside voice to interrupt and jab, and mostly looked photogenic. While Trump spoke, Biden looked 78 years old; ashen and blank-faced. His obvious goal was to remain non-committal on packing the court, Black Lives Matter, and tax increases. He gave no “socialist” sound bite to the GOP and repeatedly looked into the camera to tell Americans, “this election is about you.”

On the surface, Trump ignored the rules and questions to insult Biden non-stop. While Biden spoke, Trump frowned lemon-faced. His clear goal was to be anti-socialist and pro-police, and say “Hunter Biden” a lot. He lacked patience, ruining Wallace’s effort to out Biden on court-packing. His best line came after Biden said, “antifa is an idea – not an organization.” When a bat hits you over the head, that’s not an idea.

This was not a debate. It was a prime-time personification of an angry and divided nation. Any civility between Biden and Trump would have been 100% superficial. The next president will be the man whose base is angrier than the other’s. Biden looked wimpy with taunts of “clown” and “liar.” He recycled tired talking points like “hurt the poor” and “take away benefits” and “help the rich.”

Meanwhile, Trump was landing haymakers on Biden: blaming his 1994 crime bill for more blacks in prison, calling him out for the Delaware State (HBC) lie, proving he wouldn’t say “law and order” on TV, and citing Hunter Biden’s enrichment as abuse of the vice presidency. Yes, Trump looked like a loudmouth SOB from Queens, but that appeals to 45% of the electorate. If another 5% wants a blunt instrument to stop China, illegal immigrants, Iran and riots, then Trump will win.

The Trump we saw Tuesday night was also the political steam kettle that keeps 45% of the electorate on edge. If you support Trump’s brand of conservative populism, you must admit he’s an acquired taste. Honestly, would you hike the Appalachian trail with him? The point here is the fine line between exposing Biden’s sins and inviting sympathy for a 78-year-old man. Most Americans were raised not to laugh at a forgetful, bumbling old man – or cheer for an SOB from Queens.


By Spencer Morten

The writer is a retired CEO of a US corporation, whose views were informed by studies and work in the US and abroad. An economist by education, and pragmatist by experience, he believes the greatest threat to peace and prosperity are the loudest voices with the least experience and expertise.